Entries by John

Origami Dragon

Wouldn’t it be cool if origami sculptures came to life!

Polo Shirts

Your challenge is to create an original emblem to be stitched onto a polo shirt. You know why people don’t pop their collars anymore? It’s because they aren’t proud of the polo shirts those collars are attached to. They’re all the same. It’s either a family crest or a man on a horse. Nothing collar-pop […]

Hidden by Daylight

Looking up at the morning sky, I was thinking about all of the stuff hidden by daytime. Stars, planets, nebula, who knows. A creative commons design.

Andy by Roy

Pop Art was a huge influence on me as a young designer. I never really liked tradition paintings, so when I discovered the movement, it really spoke to me. This is a combination of my two favourites.

Green Underneath

The entry I made into a tee-posed based challenge. The idea was to convey the fact that many companies claim to be green and sell green products. Only a handful a green through and through.

Meals on Wheels

A design that evolved from the devil waiting for  bus 666, to a queue of scaries who wait for buses to consume the contents. Tried a few different things here, including rendering with diagonal lines.

Dr Who Who

A reworked design from about a year ago. Dr Who, as an owl, with a fez! Cool!  

They walk amongst us

When I was growing up there was this TV sports presenter who appeared on a chat show, his name was David Ike. Amongst many things, he spoke about an Illuminati consisting of a secret group of reptilian humanoids who control humanity, and that many prominent figures were reptilian. Not surprisingly, he was ridiculed, despite being […]

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

  One of my entries into a Three Words or Less challenge. It’s a simple typographic design but I think it works well. Fortunately, so did Threadless and I was chosen as one of the runners up for the challenge. For sale here.

Zip Me, Unzip You

An idea I had for a Threadless zip-up hoody challenge. Mainly using creative commons imagery.

Rubiks Triangle

I really like geometric and graphic art. I reworked this design as a couple of people spotted a star in the middle of the design. I’m pleased with the way that this came out, and like the colours quite a bit.

Disco Pirates Came To Get Down

Just a silly design I did one sunday afternoon. A few weeks later I was contacted to say the design had been selected by a lucky Threadless user to get printed! I still can’t believe my luck. Available to buy from here.