It’s been a mighty long time since my last post, June in fact. I’ve been very busy creating work in my professional and personal design lives. In my spare time, most of my work is for challenges on Threadless. I post them on Society 6 and draw a line under them. Occasionally I get random messages from sites asking if I’d like to sell my designs elsewhere, which I often decline. It’s not that I don’t want to see my work published, but I tend to have quite a lot going on at any one time, so I put things off.
Anyway, the point of this is that I recently got contacted by Tee Fury who were interested in one of the designs that had recently finished scoring on Threadless. “Kubrick Still Life #3” is a piece that I produced a couple of years ago. I found an image of an old typewriter on creative commons, started doodling on top of it and realised that I could a quote from The Shining on the keys. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. A few hours later and the idea was complete. I liked the design, but some how there was something missing which meant the image didn’t seem grounded on the shirt. Fast forward two years and another design I came up with (referencing the same movie) was sitting on my desktop and I had a Eureka moment. The two designs were combined into something I am quite proud of. Even more proud that Tee Fury sought me out and the shirt will be on sale Friday 24th of October!