Stairway To Heaven

New simple version of a previous design

Sergeant’s Peppers

A silly idea from a Beatles nut


Just a silly idea I had


Entry into a Loves Muppets Challenge


An idea for a minimalist design challenge

Healthy Eating

Burger ban – Scoring soon at Threadless


Super Deathstar 64

Another pop culture mashup

Scoring soon at Threadless

Eyebrows, large nose & bushy moustache

A twist on a famous disguise – Scoring soon at Threadless



An optical illusion/Dark side of the moon mashup

At Threadless

One Giant Eep

The first monkey on the moon

Werewolves of London

Made using recycled art

Vincent’s Starrier Night

Made using recycled art

A photo montage tribute to one of my favourite artists. I found an image of space and adjusted the colours to match the original work as closely as I was able to. Once I put the two together I finished it off with a simple constellation map of the man himself.