A Tatooine Christmas Card

Snow on Tatooine?

Our old friend, Ludwig Van

A homage to what was one of my favourite books/films growing up. I still have a great deal of affection for A Clockwork Orange, so I thought it might fit the MY favourite tee challenge.

I used a public domain image of Beethoven, and manipulated the solemn expression to resemble Alex from the film, with the addition of a bowler hat. It’s single colour and on either charcoal or orange.


Experimenting with different styles, organic and digital.

Angry Young Minotaur

Silly idea I had after watching Time Bandits recently.

Times They Are A Changin

Part of a graphical abstract series representing the passage of time


I was lucky enough to visit Bali this Summer and it left me really inspired. It’s full of ancient culture, art, dance, folklore and mythology. This design is inspired by a character called Barong, who is a protective spirit. The island was full of wooden and stone sculpture of him, but I never saw a 2 dimensional representation.

Colours of Nature

A simple idea I had based around animals with predominate colours. I have many in the works to produce over the coming weeks, here’s 4.

Origami Dragon

Wouldn’t it be cool if origami sculptures came to life!

Polo Shirts

Your challenge is to create an original emblem to be stitched onto a polo shirt.

You know why people don’t pop their collars anymore? It’s because they aren’t proud of the polo shirts those collars are attached to. They’re all the same. It’s either a family crest or a man on a horse. Nothing collar-pop worthy about that. We think it’s time for a change.

Your challenge is to create an original emblem to be stitched onto a polo shirt.

I loved this challenge, these are six of the eight designs I did. Some new, some adapted from older designs.

Hidden by Daylight

Looking up at the morning sky, I was thinking about all of the stuff hidden by daytime. Stars, planets, nebula, who knows. A creative commons design.

Andy by Roy

Pop Art was a huge influence on me as a young designer. I never really liked tradition paintings, so when I discovered the movement, it really spoke to me. This is a combination of my two favourites.

Green Underneath

The entry I made into a tee-posed based challenge. The idea was to convey the fact that many companies claim to be green and sell green products. Only a handful a green through and through.