Every Vote Counts
A quick update. If anyone who comes here doesn’t know, I’ve got a T-Shirt up for scoring on threadless tees. It’s the picture I did of a Star Wars figure earlier down the page. It’d mean a lot to have it printed.
A quick update. If anyone who comes here doesn’t know, I’ve got a T-Shirt up for scoring on threadless tees. It’s the picture I did of a Star Wars figure earlier down the page. It’d mean a lot to have it printed.
I was really excited by new James Bond back in 2006. Mum always loved James Bond movies. I remember watching them on Wednesday night when ITV decided to show one a week during one summer (though we were all annoyed by the 30 minute break for the news). Daniel Craig did not disapoint and I felt he was very much in the vain of Sean Connery, who in my opinion is the Bond benchmark. The opening credits were also great, some of the best I’ve seen. Anyway, had this idea a while ago and finally got round to doing it.
I think it’s my favourite illustration so far.
I won’t be updating for a while now. I’ve completed the illustrations that have been knocking about for a while. I do have plenty of ideas, but not enough time to produce them all.
Not much to say about this one really. It’s the car out of the book and film Christine. I was too young to really enjoy it when it came out, but I remember how much my Dad liked the George Thorogood tune in the movie. I like the way that this turned out and I think i’ll look at doing more cars.
Like most people my age, Star Wars formed my childhood. It’s a magical thing really, you always have something in common with people born around the late 60’s and early 70’s. My parents were never rich, but they always did the best that they could for us. As the youngest I was definitely a bit spoilt and remember one Christmas getting an AT-AT, a Millennium Falcon AND a BMX, I couldn’t believe my luck.
Anyway, since losing my Mum last year I’ve being doing a lot of reminiscing and thinking back to my childhood. Even now I’m a sucker for anything Star Wars and was particularly excited when my good friend, Sarah, got back in touch and told me of her visit to Skywalker ranch. I ended up longing for one figure I never had – the Luke X-Wing pilot. I had an X-Wing, but always had to put the wrong figure in! I recently got my hands on the figure and was amazed how little it looked like Luke, yet I desired it so much. Even thirty years on, the figure is still in great condition, but played with – which is what I like. I was inspired to do this, and think I’ll do a few more. This weekend I plan to dig out everything Star Wars my parents bought me and take another trip down memory lane.
First post of 2010, though I’ve not been being lazy. Very busy on several pieces, but working a full time job leaves very little time to do things like this, so it has taken a while, working a few hours over each weekend. It’s undergone quite a few changes since the film initially inspired me to do something. I decided to go much lighter with the design. Made up of three shades of grey and the bright yellow.
One thing I really love about Moon, apart from the acting and story that it, is the attention to detail. All of the graphic design in the movie is fantastic, from the uniform Sam wears to the user interface of the computer, the Lunar corporate logo really stood out to me. Hence the eventual backdrop for the design.
As a child my imagination was captured by the vision of the future that was sold to me in things like Aliens, Space 1999 and to a certain degree, Star Wars (though we are told that was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away) it was however the late 70’s and early 80’s. Moon has this stamped all over it too. I can only assume that being a similar age to me, Duncan Jones was inspired too.
I loved Moon, one of the best films I have seen for ages. Sam Rockwell delivers a compelling performance as Sam Bell, especially when he first meets his clone, who his three years his Junior. You really get a sense of how he’s changed over the three years up in the space station, and how he’s overcome his anger issues. Younger Sam seems very focused, if not a little highly strung.
I digress. Here’s my design anyway. I may fiddle with it, but I have so many other projects on the go, I really wanted to get this finished and to move on.
Well, the whole thing that started me off can be found here. An underground art “Alternate Reality Game”. Basically a tonne of clues leading to cool posters by people who do this kind of thing for a living. Mostly followed by extremist Lost fans and extremist art fans, with the odd person in it to make a profit. I snagged five. Two I will keep, and the others. Well they are in limbo for the moment.